Evidence for Learning: Advice on implementing tutoring in schools

This terrific article from Tanya Vaughan and Pauline Ho from Evidence for Learning, published in Teacher Magazine, highlights five takeaways in setting up your evidence-based tutoring approach:

1. Quality matters: Tutoring success will depend on the extent to which students receive extensive practise to master a small but targeted set of skills

2. Individualisation alone does not make tutoring work, high quality feedback and support structures are critical for success

3. Build tutors’ expertise and professional learning through coaching, mentoring and expert support

4. Implement tutoring sessions within a school-based response to intervention strategy

5. Tutoring sessions need to be sustained, regular and adaptive to students’ progress

We couldn’t agree more! These points echo the approach taken by The Tutor Network in our tutor training and resources. See the TTN’s evidence summary for further information about our approach.


Case Study: Lessons from our small group tutoring pilot in Term 4 2020


Johns Hopkins University advocates for a national tutoring corps to help hard-to-staff schools in the USA